Message from Steve Blum
On June 15, 2006, a message was left in my guestbook, from a visitor named Steve Blum. He is a veteran voice actor in the U.S., and his many roles include Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop and Orochimaru and Zabuza in Naruto (you can see the extensive list here).
As this is the internet, I cannot officially confirm if this was really left by Mr. Blum himself, but if it really is him, I am truly honored that he has visited my humble little site and left this message for the FFVII fans, so I'd like to share this with everyone here! :D
Just wanted to say thank you to all the FFVII fans. You guys rock. Hope I did justice to the great Vincent. Peace, Steve
Steve Blum
(signed on June 15, 2006)
(In my humble opinion, I thought he did a fantastic job portraying Vincent! :D)